The Escape from Meaningless

Those of us who are spectators rather than participants are observing depraved humanity’s attempt to escape from a meaningless reality. How are they doing it? One way is by creating Alternative Reality (AR), which too is meaningless. Another way is by creating Artificial Intelligence (AI). The very terminology should be a clue.

First of all, why is reality meaningless to them? This world is all they have. There is nothing permanent in this world, not even them. In philosophy, telos is the end purpose of something. It describes what the activity of the thing is leading to. For them, life is leading to a meaningless death. The life leading to a meaningless death must also be meaningless, it means nothing. The heart of the worldling is breaking under the burden, under the weight of being accepted by some part of this real world, something to belong to psychologically, it is not happening, so an artificial world is being developed.

Before our eyes, we are seeing a meaningless reality being replaced by an even more meaningless artificial one. It is attacking our minds, our bodies, and our very being. One of the earliest shots came from Julian Huxley’s 1957 essay, “Transhumanism: New Bottles for New Wine.” The seeds planted there are being cultivated to produce, not a meaningless human existence, but a humanless non-existence. Transhumanism seeks to develop and make available technologies that enable immortality and greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities in order to achieve a “posthuman feature.” I have a question for you. Why would I want to enhance any intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities in order to achieve my demise?

Some intellectuals are not happy to stop there. They see a variant of transhumanism in which humans will not be enhanced, but rather eventually replaced by artificial intelligence. Some theorists promote the view that humans should embrace and accept their eventual demise as a consequence of a technological singularity. Here they are borrowing a term and concept from the theory of evolution. Evolutionary theory says everything existed as a singularity right before the Big Bang. Technological singularity says there is a hypothetical future point in time when technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, resulting in unforeseeable consequences for human civilization. At that point, there will not even be a ghost in the machine, there will only be the machine.

It will be a mindless machine that cannot tell true information from false information. This came from the internet: “Generative AI produces new content based on past data used to train it. However, sometimes it can’t distinguish between true and false information and generates false outputs known as hallucinations.” It goes on to say AI companies are using human trainees to teach [the machine] the concept of fact and fiction. I see two things wrong here. First, false output is not a hallucination. The false output is real. A hallucination is where you see, hear, smell, taste, or feel things that appear to be real, but only exist in your human mind. Calling AI output error a hallucination is an attempt to humanize the machine. That is called an anthropomorphism. Second, knowing the concept of fact and fiction is not the same as being able to distinguish fact from fiction. The machine can only access what is already on the internet. It cannot access reality outside the internet. As I have stated, the direction is toward there being no reality outside the machine. That means no real human beings.

This from windows “Microsoft launches wild new Copilot experience that blurs AI and human interaction, designed to be your friend rather than a tool.” It goes on to say it is designed to be “warm and inviting” and “Copilot will be there for you, in your corner, by your side, and always strongly aligned with your interest.” It uses voice like you are chatting with a friend and will umm and ahh like a real person. And this from the Econews website on 10/02/24: “ChatGPT-4 passes the Turning Test for the first time: there is no way to distinguish it from a human being.”

On the way to eliminating our existence, they are attacking our present being, particularly our minds and our bodies. The attack on our minds takes the form of deception. A notable attack came in October 2021 when Meta introduced its metaverse goggles featuring a 3D virtual reality where real people are represented by avatars. With this technology, a person can be at a party with friends, the star of a TV show, or at a rock concert, without leaving your room.

That quickly became obsolete, as Meta now has VR eyeglasses and ChatGPT has taken over the need for intellectual thinking. A new reality can be created at the push of a button. The way things are going, it won’t be long before machines can push their own buttons. The time is coming when the pretense will be dropped. Alternate Reality (AR) will be called Only Reality (OR) and Artificial Intelligence (AR) will be called Highest Intelligence (HI). If we believe that, our minds will have been defeated. The Scientific Imperative says “If it can be done, it must be done.” The Societal Imperative says “If science says it, it must be right.” If it is right, it must be normal, at least for some people. That is how artificial intelligence and alternate reality have become normal in movies, television, YouTube, advertisements, and almost everything else put before our eyes.

Is the propagation of AI right for people? Everyday, the news reports businesses laying off employees and replacing the with some form of AI. Do not mistake this for another Industrial Revolution that took place in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The workers that were put out of work by the machines were trained to build and operate the machines at a much higher wage than they made as hand laborers. That will not happen as AI replaces factory and office workers now. There is no industry or profession that is not in danger from AI.

The attack on the bodies came through the minds which have already been defeated by letting something else do the thinking for them. It has led, what should be ordinary human beings, to think their bodies are wrong. In this category are homosexuals, transgenders, nominal genders, furries, therians, xenogender, etc. Now there are children going to school and telling their mates and teachers that they are a certain kind of animal. (therian). Then there is the man named Dominick in the Czech Republic who identifies as an ambulance and has sexual relationships with other ambulances (he has yet to produce an ambulance offspring). This condition has been given the name of objectophilia.

One thing to notice is that science, psychology, and even philosophy are quick to put names to these mental deceptions. The suffix -phila as used has a variety of meanings in different contexts. Generally, it means “love or liking,” “unnatural attraction,” or “tendency.” When added to nouns, they become named conditions+. Once they have a name, they become a reality. And once they are considered to be real, they are assumed to be normal for some people and they become an acceptable part of society. This, of course, is based on deceptive thinking.

How can you tell the real from the false deception? By letting them confront each other. I am a man. When I am confronted by a woman who tells me she is a man, I instantly know that this person is not like me. She is not a man. My wife is very much a woman. When she is confronted with a man who tells her he is a woman, she knows this person is not a woman. When we see homosexuals holding hands, we know that they do not have sex organs that complement each other. They have to use other body parts. A furry dressed up like a dog and crawling on all fours may get his dog’s attention, that is until a real dog comes along. Dogs know the real from the false. A therian child that thinks they are a wolf when placed in a pack of wild wolves, would quickly become dinner. Wolves know the difference between the real and the false.

The point of all this is that so many people are living in a false reality, and the numbers keep growing every day. As stated at the beginning of this post, the reason for all of this is the realization that people are living a meaningless life in a meaningless reality. This is not a new realization. It is the fruit of seeds planted years ago. Right after World War II, Europe was pretty much devastated by the war. The mood was described as existential angst. What is it all about? What is the purpose of existence?

They say art imitates life. It did during this time. European playwriters produced plays in what came to be called the theater of the absurd. The plays were based on the theme of what happens when human existence lacks meaning. The dialog finished where it began and according to the Hutchinson Encyclopedia gave way to irrational and illogical speech and to the ultimate conclusion—silence. That stance had previously been captured in Munch’s painting, The Scream, seen as symbolizing the hopelessness of the human condition. The scream is silent, nobody hears it and nobody cares.

Why are people not rebelling against this dehumanizing takeover by the AI machine? The process is slow and gradual making it imperceptible. It is also rapidly changing every day until people get used to a new idea almost every day until the idea of a new idea is no longer recognized as a new idea, it is a continuation of the norm. We are living like the frog in the kettle. Researchers have found that when they put a frog in a pan of boiling water, the frog quickly jumps out. When they put the frog in a pan of cold water and put the water to boil over time, the frog just boiled to death. Slow acclimation to being controlled by AI is deadly to humans.

The things I have been writing about are only the symptoms of humanity’s problem. A good physician will use the symptoms as a guide to identify the underlying cause. An AI machine cannot diagnose beyond the programmed data. Humanity is the one in danger and humanity is not capable of diagnosing what it does not see as a problem. The process humanity is in started thousands of years ago. It did not start as a technical problem. It did not start in the machine or the body. It started in the mind. It is a mental problem.

Believe it or not, the Bible tells us why it started in the mind. Romans 1:18-32 explains it in terms you and I can understand. The universe is governed by the process of cause and effect. For every effect, there is a cause. It had to start somewhere. Aristotle understood this process and the need for a first cause that had to be uncaused. He called it the uncaused cause and rightly said it was God. God gave humanity a free will but reserved the right to establish the effects humanity’s actions cause. Living a meaningless life in a meaningless reality is the effect. What was the cause?

Romans 1:21 tells us the cause of humanity’s mental problem. They refused to recognize God and honor him as God of their lives. The effects of that are listed in the following verses. They became futile in their thinking; they became fools; God gave them up to the lust of their hearts, impurity, and the dishonoring of their bodies; God gave them up to dishonorable passions; God gave them up to a debased mind. The list starts with futile thinking and ends with a debased mind. That is the effect caused by giving up your knowledge of God.

Futile thinking is incapable of producing any useful result; it is pointless. The Greek word translated as debased is also translated as reprobate. It means unable to pass the test, rejected, refuse, rubbish, worthless. It is a mind that cannot see ahead to the consequences of current thoughts and actions. The cause is giving up the knowledge of God. The effect is human minds that are defective in thinking, leading people to foolish actions. These foolish actions are listed as worshiping the created things rather than the Creator, vile passions such as women having sexual relations with women, men having sexual relations with men, covetousness, malice, envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness, slanderers, haters of God, violent, proud, inventors of evil things, undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful, approve people that act in these ways. Does that describe our society today? I am sure you know people who act in these ways. You may be one yourself. In fact, we all were at one time. But some of us decided to acknowledge God as God.

The Bible describes 2024 human behavior and the only cause of it. This futile thinking is leading humanity into a world in which everything will be artificial. The human mind will be programmed by the things humans invented. Machines cannot foresee the consequences of what they produce and the posthumanism that is aimed for. Neither can the human mind influenced by AR and AI foresee the consequences of accepting a Godless mind and the human actions it leads to. The resulting action of a Godless mind is sin and sin brings God’s judgment. God’s judgment brings eternal perdition. Human thinking produces human actions. The present trend of human thinking and actions leads only to destruction. It is not too late for you to change your mind about God.

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